Sunday, November 14, 2010

Is this thing on?

It is time.

That's right. I'm catching up. For now.

I think my main problem is that I figure everyone gets enough of us in all of the other things we're doing in life. But I was thinking tonight (don't worry...I was very careful), and this is, at the very least, a great central spot to keep track of thoughts and engage in conversations that are deeper than just a Facebook post or whatever.

This is also me taking steps to let other people be a part of our lives. I'm looking forward to being open about my thoughts and experiences and things that I learn, and I hope that you will comment and share your thoughts as well.

The thought of posting detailed re-caps of the May-through-November Ironroad adventures sounds about as fun as pouring mouthwash into my eye (hence the lengthy hesitation), so for the sake of finally just getting something up (and assuming you don't want to spend a full week reading this blog), I'll do photo updates, with brief commentary, and then we'll be back on track.

Glad to announce we're all still healthy and happy, and glad to be back. To the person who chastised me (you know who you are), thanks. :) And here we go.


The Loesevitz Family - said...

hehe.... so glad you updated! I love your little family. ps... that hail damage is freaking me out!!!

Shalon said...

I told you I would! Don't worry too much about the hail -- it was very rare, and frankly freakish. Our cars were out in a wide open area, too, so here in town you should be just fine. Crazy stuff!