Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gitter Dun!

I have been trying, unsuccessfully, for the past few days to come up with a smooth, clever way to jump back in here. I have finally decided to just type and get on with it.

My last post was a recap of 2010.

Given the fact that I feel like a completely different person than I was a year ago, I have been at a loss as to where to start. So we'll start with a chuckle.

I had written a "New Year" post and saved it as a draft, and never ended up posting it. Considering what 2011 has brought, this post is quite hilarious. I'll follow with a details of what followed shortly after writing it.

Let's just say I'm going back to the cliche resolution lists.

Written January 8, 2011

In past new years, I have created lists of things I would like to improve about myself. Typically, I'll do really well with them for the first month week or so, and then the New Year hype dies down and takes my motivation with it.

This year, I have decided that -- instead of a list of things that I hope to improve about myself -- I will simply choose a theme to stick in my brain throughout the year. As I reflected upon 2010 and the overall theme that the year gave itself, I realized that 2010 was a year of major growth. It started with probably the biggest trial I've ever had, and ended with trying to run a business while fighting through morning sickness (NOT fun!). It was a year of me in a funk!

This year, though I know it is impossible to be in total control, I am committing to take a more active role in what the year brings. So my theme will be, as Larry the Cable Guy always says, "Gitter Dun!"

Often I find myself getting so caught up in the details of what needs to happen (in any given situation) that I never end up doing what I aim to do. This year, I made a breakthrough and started my own Virtual Assistant practice. It was a risk and it took a lot of work, but I made it happen. This year, I want to continue stretching and growing and creating opportunities for myself. I want to "Gitter Dun!"

Wish me luck!

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